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Twenty minutes’ contact with nature is all it takes to reduce stress hormone levels

That was the finding of a recent study (1) conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan. Communing with nature for just 20-30 minutes is sufficient to reduce levels of cortisol, known as the ‘stress hormone’. Cortisol, the hormone at the heart of the stress mechanism A stressful situation places...
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Can ashwagandha improve your sleep?

Ashwagandha, also known as Withania Somnifera or ‘Indian ginseng’, is one of a select group of ‘superfoods’ that also includes acai, goji berries, spirulina … And, like ginseng and rhodiola, it is also belongs to the group of “ adaptogens ”, plants that can help the body adapt to all...
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Getting to sleep fast: the natural – but overlooked - alternative to sleeping pills

You’re probably one of the many people who have experienced the horrors of insomnia : the stifling duvet, the clammy skin, the tossing and turning and the unbearable feeling that there’s nothing you can do about it. That you’ll never get to sleep … Perhaps you’re even one of the...
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Music, CBD and melatonin: the new go-to solutions for beating insomnia

There’s little doubt that within recent history, the quality of our sleep has never been as bad as it is today. The latest reports suggest that more than 40% of Europeans and North Americans regularly suffer from sleep problems (1), and that the time we spend asleep is getting shorter...
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Are you a sleep procrastinator?

Remember how when you were young you used to resist going to bed? Being made to go to sleep when the ‘grown-ups’ were still up seemed deeply unfair and very unappealing. Where do we go when we’re asleep? What do we do? Do we have to go there? And are...
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