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Beta cryptoxanthin, an excellent source of vitamin A for the body

Beta-cryptoxanthin, or cryptoxanthin as it is also known, is a natural pigment found mainly in fruit and vegetables including mandarins, oranges and papaya. Long-unrecognised, beta-cryptoxanthin has recently been arousing interest among the global scientific community. It has a similar structure to that of beta-carotene, another natural pigment more widely-known as...
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Curcumin: The top anti-cancer spice (1/2)

Curcumin has been more widely-documented in the scientific literature for its anti-cancer effects than any other nutrient. Curcumin is a derivative of the spice turmeric, the yellow-orange pigment that gives curry dishes their distinctive colour.Extensively studied, it has been found to have multiple health benefits and is consequently growing in...
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The superfood that swallows up mercury

If you regularly eat fish and seafood, you might be interested in this simple strategy. There is a well-known algae that can bind to mercury (and other heavy metals such as lead and cadmium). It is called chlorella. Chlorella is available (at low cost) in gelatine and vegetarian capsules. You...
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Ginseng, an adaptogen that improves the body’s resistance to mental and physical stress

More than 2000 studies have been published on the biological and therapeutic effects of ginseng. Among others, they suggest it helps the body react and adapt whenever it is physically or mentally below par, such as during periods of convalescence or overwork. Ginseng boosts energy, improves mental and physical performance...
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Neem - the village pharmacy

Neem (Azadirachta indica), also known as Indian Lilac, has been recognised for centuries in India for its many healing properties. Sometimes referred to as the ‘tree of marvels’ or ‘village pharmacy’, neem contains many substances with anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial or immune-stimulating properties. The earliest medical texts in Sanskrit refer to the...
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