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Brain nutrition


The unexpected benefits of chewing-gum (provided you choose the right kind)

Long confined to the sweet shelf, chewing gum is now emerging as a pharmaceutical product. Flavours and colours are making way for health virtues on chewing gum packaging, with the firm support of certain health professionals. So, should we see this as a new opportunity to improve our health, or...
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The incredibly versatile benefits of turmeric (2/2)

In India, turmeric is used to treat a wide variety of ailments including gastrointestinal problems, inflammation, headaches, infections and colds. It is turmeric’s curcuminoid content, particularly curcumin, which is responsible for its numerous and wide-ranging health benefits. From improving digestive function and supporting liver detox processes, to conferring powerful anti-inflammatory...
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Risk of stroke: 10 factors identified

Scientists have succeeded in quantifying the importance of potentially modifiable risk factors for stroke in various regions of the world. Stroke is a condition which rightly strikes fear into the hearts of most people. Following is a list of these factors, as well as some advice not included in the...
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Nourish your neurons before they degenerate

Forgotten where you left your keys? Can’t remember what the film was called that you saw yesterday, or the name of that person you met recently? While very irritating, these incidences of forgetfulness are, for the vast majority of us, isolated cases and nothing to worry about. If they keep...
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Picamilon - both a tranquiliser and a stimulant

Picamilon is a combination of niacin and GABA in a single molecule. Combining these two substances increases their potency and endows them with properties that are particularly beneficial for cognitive function. Scientific studies, mostly conducted in Russia, show that picamilon exerts a positive effect, especially in cases of stress, anxiety,...
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