Practitioners of alternative medicine agree that with each change of season, the body needs a little help to rid itself of the toxins that have accumulated over the previous season. So, over a period of about 10 days, it’s a good idea to review your diet and take some specific...
A body in perfect health is a body free from toxins and impurities! The tendency to eat more high-fat food in winter, combined with Christmas and New Year over-indulgence, means now is the perfect time for a thorough cleansing of all the body's natural systems for eliminating toxins. For a...
Indigestion, bloating, gas, hangovers over-indulgence can cause so many problems -but the good news is they can be avoided by simply taking natural protective nutrients. Eating heavy meals, high in saturated fat, washed down with alcohol, puts a real strain on the body. Supplementing with phytonutrients is your best...