The figures make for alarming reading. Over the last 50 years, there has been a decline of almost 50% in the quality of human sperm, and a fall in semen volume of around 25%, while abnormal sperm counts show a marked increase 1 . It’s a long-standing problem, first flagged...
Dairy farmers tell us over and over again that the industrialisation of farming does not impair the quality of their produce. But a scientific study has just repudiated this claim by demonstrating that the milk produced by cows fed exclusively on a diet of organic grass (pasture, hay or silage)...
Can taking a supplement for just one month boost your sports performance? Apparently so, according to a recent study, as long as you choose your micronutrients carefully. The winning combination here was based on three minerals involved in energy metabolism and two nutrients with well-documented effects on sports performance. The...
A new study from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden reveals that a high level of omega-3 fatty acids in children at the age of 8 is associated with a decreased risk of asthma or rhinitis at the age of 16 1 . The study was published in the Journal of...
These commonly-prescribed drugs which should be avoided like the plague Almost 150,000 over-65s in France may be taking an average of 14 drugs a day . That’s the staggering conclusion of a study conducted by the OpenHealth Company which endeavours to highlight the absurdities of conventional medicine. According to the...