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Taking selected minerals and nutrients improves running time

Can taking a supplement for just one month boost your sports performance? Apparently so, according to a recent study, as long as you choose your micronutrients carefully. The winning combination here was based on three minerals involved in energy metabolism and two nutrients with well-documented effects on sports performance. The...
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Gut microbiota equilibrium in sportspeople

Scientific progress over the last few years has led to improvements in our understanding of intestinal microbiota. Also known as gut flora, this is the collection of living microorganisms found in the small intestine and colon. It is now recognised that the equilibrium of this microbiota plays a key role...
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Obesity: scientists offer explanation for why engaging in physical activity is so difficult

Obese people are often stigmatised for their lack of exercise but this could well change based on the results of a new scientific study. It seems obese individuals’ low level of activity could be caused by dysfunctional receptors in the brain. In other words, their inactivity could actually be a...
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Ecdysterones, extracted from Rhaponticum carthamoides - powerful, natural anabolic steroids

Research conducted in Russia suggests that extract of Rhaponticum carthamoides may significantly increase muscle mass while decreasing fat mass in athletes when taken during training. Studies also show it may help boost capacity for work and endurance, and reduce physical and mental fatigue. Rhaponticum carthamoides extract - and in particular...
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ATP - vital for cell function and for life itself

As we age, our production of ATP declines, a development that can potentially lead to organ or muscle dysfunction. Taking oral supplements increases ATP levels in the liver, red blood cells, plasma and organs. It improves the tone and relaxes the walls of blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the...
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