Tenderness and sensuality: a product with amazing effects
Products that claim to restore sexual function but neither stimulate desire nor generate pleasure. Such are the various chemical-based products marketed by the pharmaceutical industry to supposedly cure impotence.
The reason they fail is because the manufacturers forget that love is not simply a mechanical process. In both men and women, the primary sexual organ is actually … the brain. If nothing’s happening there, if a couple do not already feel a deep tenderness for each other, no substance can artificially reproduce the profound experience of Love (with a capital L).
But though the answer has eluded human endeavour, the secret has been present in Nature for thousands of years. Identified by scientists, this extraordinary natural substance is now available to everyone who understands that love and sexuality work best when they are inseparable.
The substance that enables us to experience love
Oxytocin is produced by mothers when going into labour and during breastfeeding. It is the basis of maternal instinct and the close, immediate bond felt between a mother and her new-born. In the 1980s, research confirmed that mothers who breastfed their babies were calmer and more affectionate towards others (not just their babies) than those who bottle-fed. This difference was attributed to the effects of oxytocin.
But oxytocin is also present in males in whom its role is just as important. In fact, subsequent research showed that it contributes to the forging all sorts of close associations, not just with one’s own children, but also with partners, friends, work colleagues and even pets.
Oxytocin is thus above all the substance which makes us sociable, which attracts us to others and promotes feelings of love. Oxytocin can even ‘transform’ potentially stressful situations into loving, joyful experiences - for example, the rush of oxytocin produced when a woman goes into labour can make giving birth a profoundly happy experience despite the incredible pain of labour.
Oxytocin promotes closeness between couples
Oxytocin creates a feeling of tenderness between two people and can generate the deep sense of attachment which promotes mutual sexual desire. It is at this point that oxytocin’s potency is most apparent - during sexual intercourse, the brain is literally flooded with oxytocin, in men and particularly in women.
More specifically, its effect produces a cascade of hormonal reactions leading to a heightened desire to touch and be touched, enhanced sensitivity of the erogenous zones and a state of uncontrollable excitement. Multiple orgasms are possible when a woman’s oxytocin levels are at their highest and there is a ‘power surge’ in the intensity of male sexual desire and pleasure.
Oxytocin levels decline with age
As we get older, the amount of oxytocin produced by the hypothalamus falls significantly which may explain why older people find it more difficult to form new attachments, to be physically attracted to other people and to have a greater tendency towards depression.
The following symptoms may all indicate a deficiency in oxytocin:
- poor management of chronic stress
- a tendency to want to be alone
- depression
- anxiety and poor sleep
- addictions (alcohol, drugs …)
- food cravings
- hypothyroidism.
Oxytocin restores the quality of close relationships
Taking oxytocin supplements may be necessary to restore natural levels to those of a few years or even decades ago, when capacity for feeling pleasure and closeness was at its peak.
Supplementing with oxytocin will increase sociability, kindness, affection, tenderness, faithfulness and the desire to be together, between friends as well as lovers.
Oxytocin supplements can thus increase sociability, enhance sexuality and may even facilitate weight loss. It helps regulate sleep and contributes to a general sense of well-being.
Additional health benefits
While oxytocin’s mechanisms of action are not yet understood completely, researchers believe its health benefits are due to its ability to counter anxiety, stress and the effects of cortisol, the stress hormone which aggravates almost all health problems (excess weight or obesity, pain, cancer …).
This is one of the reasons why people with pets tend to recover more quickly from illness, why married couples tend to live longer and why support groups are so beneficial for cancer patients.
Health professionals have also noted improvements in certain symptoms following oxytocin supplementation: in autistic children, adults with schizophrenia, those with fibromyalgia and in particular, in those whose oxytocin blood levels have fallen dramatically.
For optimum efficacy, choose a nasal spray
Oxytocin is often sold in sublingual or oral tablet form, but these delivery methods are less effective than a nasal spray. .
The nasal spray delivery method allows a direct, immediate, stable and long-lasting effect, compared with sublingual and oral forms.
Given its ability to strengthen emotional bonds, enhance feelings of sexual intimacy and improve the quality of orgasms, oxytocin is without doubt the closest natural alternative to a ‘love potion’.